
The best novel applications for Android and iPhone

Long time no update article on the blog joneszr, but the bustle it had started to diminish and ultimately I have had the opportunity to share important information for you guys that like to read novels. If in the think-think when you guys try to buy a physical book-shaped novel that much spending money because the price is not cheap it is better you guys read novel online.

Here are the advantages of the digital era such as the present can reduce costs and save time. Usually you have to go to a book store like a gramedia and other stores but now with the application reading this novel you guys no longer need to go to the bookstore to purchase the novel, simply by downloading the application read the novel already available in Smartphone you guys each, good for Android or iPhone.

Read A Free Novel With Applications

As we know, the application first before reading the novel that we have to download the novel manually, by typing the title of the novel then we download it and also the file we downloaded the novel is incomplete in the sense of not downloaded in its entirety and no doubt will be very frustrating for us lovers of the novel when it was comfortable with the story of the novel is suddenly unable to read complete due to having to pay for a novel.

The application reading the Novel free on Wattpad

Wattpad application is a collection of novels online where users publish papers such as articles, stories, fiction, and poetry buffs, either through the website or mobile application. User-made content delivered by the authors of all levels who were given the same opportunity to write the paper. Users can be commented and liked the story or join a group associated with the website. About half of the users are based in the US; Other users comes from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Russia, Libya, Jamaica, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, India and other countries.

Uncontested wattpad is currently the application read the novel the best number one of the other application, as seen from its history wattpad actually have long existed about 2006, concerning the history of wattpad see history are below:

Wattpad launched in 2006, as a result of a collaboration between Allen Lau and Ivan Yuen. In February 2007, Wattpad announced the addition of the novel more than 17,000 e-book from Project Gutenberg which makes it available to users of Android and iPhone smartphones.

According to a press release of June 2009, Wattpad mobile application has been downloaded over 5 million times. In March 2009, an iPhone version was released. This was followed by the launch in BlackBerry App World in April 2009, Google Android in June 2009 and the Apple iPad in April 2010. In December 2015, 8.1 Windows Phone and Windows Mobile Version 10 was released. Currently, Wattpad is being used by more than 45 million people.

Download Wattpad

Here I declare that wattpad is the best app to read novel online. Create novel lover you guys just download the application for iPhone and Android smartphones. actually it's not just for the 2 famous operating system but can also be downloaded by the user, windows phone and blackberry users.



For users of blackberry and windows phone don't worry, you can find this in stores wattpad application applications are already available on the smartphone you guys each. 

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