
44% of Facebook users in the US who are 18-29 deleted Facebook App since last year

Facebook is a great company and almost everyone almost throughout the world use social media nets on this one, and we know that it is almost the most social media users in the world is Facebook, Facebook received a shock of life after it was confirmed that the data as much as 87 million users leaked under the Cambridge analytic scandal.

44% of Facebook users in the US who are 18-29 deleted Facebook App since last year
 Source Picture:theladders.com

Since then, Facebook has been constantly monitored by the public and the law enforcement authorities. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 44 percents of us users aged between 18 and 29 removed the Facebook application from their smartphones last year.

Other statistics gleaned from research revealing that 26% of Facebook users aged 18 years or older has been removed from many Facebook applications from Facebook users have been disclosed.

Research conducted in the United States between May 29 and June 11 after the revelation of the Cambridge analytic scandals.

These data show that Facebook has lost many users since the scandal and it is a matter of concern for the executive on Facebook especially since the younger generation who is getting rid of social networking sites.

In the survey, users are also asked if they Tweak privacy settings on Facebook App in the past 12 months as 64 percents of users aged 18 to 29 responded affirmatively. The data also showed that only 12% of users older than 65 and more deleted Facebook.

All data indicate that age is a factor in how users respond to privacy concerns and data leakage.

The Cambridge analytics scandal has resulted in one of the top ten users of Facebook download their personal data are made available by the technology giant after. What makes the situation more on Facebook was the fact that of all users who download their personal data, 37% decided to remove the Facebook application from their smartphone.

Although statistics have revealed that more and more users who choose from the monopolizing data application, Facebook is the climbing path concerning the price of the action, and it seems that it has all the important.

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