
Six world records the making of video games that ever made

Six world records the making of video games that ever made

It was first unveiled in the year 2008, Gamer's Edition of Guinness World Records, has now become an annual reading material for the vast majority of gamers around the world, who are attracted by the record anything that has been created through a video game or otherwise. Generally, a video game world records include highest score, longest-game Marathon, to the collection of themed goods video games the most and most unique concepts.

Before it is put into the book of Guinness World Records in the 1980 's, record world video games is often incorporated into a number of gaming magazines or gaming website.

Well, therefore this time Joneszr will discuss the info about the world record the most astonishing video game ever made. Without lingering longer, let's see her review below.

Six world records the making of video games that ever made

1. Complete the Dark Souls With Music Instruments

A gamer-addict named Benjamin  "bearzly " Gwyn, currently holds one world concept record video games weird and unique. He holds the record of most alternative controllers to complete the Dark Souls. As we know, Dark Souls is one of the hardest games at this time. However, Gwyn made the difficulty level that's become much more insane, with the game finishing artificial From Software that uses a number of alternative controllers such as keyboard, guitar, Wii Remote, Dancepad, and others. Reportedly, Gwyn would enrich the record again by playing the Dark Souls version Remastered using Power Glove belonging to the NES.

2. The Most Video Game Collection

Joel Hopkins, a gamer the origin of Australia, has around 17,446 video games in its collection. That means, Hopkins holds the record for the world of video games, as the largest video game collectors around the world. Previously, this record just reached 11,000 video games and created in 2014.

Back to the main topic, believe it or not, Hopkins even hesitate to spend money that is not a little, in order to expand her home now has begun to look like a video game store. In addition to having special collections room video game, Hopkins also has a computer room and arcade.

3. The world's largest Game Boy

Ilhan Unal origin Belgium, spent about one month more, to create a replica of the Game Boy in a larger size. Uniquely, this giant replica is not mounted or plain, for the dead could be enabled to play games like Game Boy in General. The Game Boy has a height of about 1 m, width 62 cm. video game world record on this one, set in 2016, but recently entered into the Guinness Book of World Records in 2017. 

4. The first artificial arm inspired by Video Games

In 2016, Daniel Melville makes a new video game world record, by becoming the first man to successfully use the artificial arm-inspired video game. Daniel used the robotic arm that is used by Adam Jensen from game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Prosthetic arm was functioning properly and used by Daniel for her daily activities. Not homemade, it turns out that robot arm manufactured by a company called Open Bionics. Unfortunately, the robotic arm that is unique and special, only available in the United Kingdom only.

5. Longest Marathon Playing Final Fantasy

Aaron Gonzalez Santome originating from Spain, currently holds the world record for a marathon video game Playing Final Fantasy for the longest. He chose Final Fantasy X/X-2 as a game that he wanted to use to play a marathon, completing the successful artificial games and Square Enix it with a total of about 40 hours in a single sitting.

The first session he completed approximately 33 hours, and the second session he completes in about six hours and a half. The record was created and recorded in the Guinness World Records on May 4, 2017 and unsolved to this day.

6.  Highest Score For Donkey Kong

World record video game for the highest score in the game Donkey Kong, currently held by Robbie Lakeman. This record was made in the year 2014, but set in February and ratified in March 2018 2018 by the site's highest score video games most prominent in the world of Twin Galaxies. Previously, this record was held by Billy Mitchell, who had to lose the record after the Twin Galaxies did an investigation and found out that Mitchell made the record through the emulator, not the arcade original.

So the last a little review on the world record the most astonishing video game ever made. We just wait, does some record above will be solved by other gamers. If you might have a story on the record a video game that you've created, you can share it in the comments field. Hopefully useful!

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