
Seven fact surprising things you should know About GTA 6

Despite the title the next game from Rockstar is Red Dead Redemption 2 a highly awaited, which is planned to be released this coming October, fans have started preparing the presence of Grand Theft Auto 6.

Diverse speculation also surfaced, which confirms that the series the next GTA will would be much more interesting and exceptional, On the basis of that, this time Joneszr will present information about seven fact the astounding  must know about GTA 6. below are reviews of it.

Seven fact surprising things you should know About GTA 6

1. Not released next year

Some time ago, Online GTA players had struck with the message that pops up on their game, that mention that GTA 6 will come soon and released in 2019. However, the message is contradicted by its own Rockstar says that it might be caused from the nosy modder. With that statement, can be sure GTA 6 will not be released next year. According to analysts, GTA 6 fastest released in 2021, and later released in 2022. It is not impossible, if GTA 6 ultimately more intended for next-gen consoles. 

2. Can Roam Between United States And Latin America

GTA 6 apparently will include a feature that makes it a game that is much more massive, that is the opportunity to roam between United States and Latin America. One YouTube channel that discusses the development of video games, namely The Know, divulge this information. Quoted from a source in The Know called GTA 6 will include feature travelling between countries. Then, some of the missions also mentioned will take place in a number of continents. If that is true, then the GTA series will be the first 6 that uses concepts around the world. 

3. The possibility of a return to the Vice City

GTA Vice City is considered one of the best series of the GTA franchise, so many fans are hoping if GTA 6 later used the theme or the world of Vice City. Taking inspiration from the Miami Vice and Scarface, GTA Vice City offers something exceptional in every aspect. If the rumors about GTA Vice City is present in 6 it is true, then the aspects that need to be improved by Rockstar is the detail and graphics. As with the Los Santos who returned there on GTA V, Vice City has a great potential when appearing in the GTA 6 later. 

4. Set In 70-90s

Reported from TechRadar, rumors about the next GTA series set in 1970 's, has appeared sporadically in recent years. Background the use of 70-80s it seemed reasonable, because so far Rockstar had never created the GTA series in the neighborhood of the year. Years 70-80s became one of the Decade's best could be chosen by Rockstar for the GTA 6, remembering in that year many historic events that might be made by Rockstar as the inspiration for the plot or the main runway from GTA 6. 

5. There will be a playable female character

Throughout the history of GTA, Rockstar never create a playable female character. Most of the female character in the GTA series, only acts as a complementary or supporting character only. Thus, it would be very interesting if GTA 6 later, will be presenting playable female character. According to reports from The Know, Rockstar is indeed interested in doing that. If it materialize, then it will not only mark the GTA series, but also its own Rockstar until this very second, never trust a woman as the main character. 

6. The provisional Title: Project Americas

Some of the leading gaming media mention that GTA 6 has the title while, i.e. Project Americas. From the taking of the name, many have speculated if any part of the Americas such as Canada, Mexico and Brazil, can be explored in GTA 6 later. Thus, the scale of GTA V is already very extensive, certainly will be extended up to 3 times. This fact so far are still flooded intersections or unproven. However, the development of the related area of the GTA 6 very worth to wait. 

7. Could take inspiration from the Narcos

The popularity of serial crime-themed property of Netflix, namely Narcos, touted made inspiration by Rockstar for the GTA making 6. Narcos is itself a tv series starring Pedro Pascal and Wagner Moura, that tells the story about a war between drug cartels. This theme is claimed to be one of the most desired by some fans of GTA. Movies and tv series from the first is indeed often used by Rockstar to be used as the main foundation of the GTA. Then it is no wonder, if speculation about Narcos inspired GTA 6 be often discussed.

That's a bit of information about Seven fact surprising things you should know About GTA 6, Despite the various rumors or speculation has already started to scatter, so far Rockstar still shut up. How do you think, are you including the very gamers that await the presence of GTA 6? write your answers in the comments field

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